Iconic Zain Bhikha who has won the hearts of Muslims throughout the word for three decades of song, story and the Dada and Me children’s series, releases a deeply personal song after many years. “I’m Not Ready To Let You Go” is an emotionally moving tribute to his beloved father Rashid Bhikha, a man who embodied faith, strength, unwavering love for his family, and left his mark on the world for his contribution to medicine and humanity.
Zain’s songs have always been a reflection of his personal life’s journey reflecting his faith, but more so, the meandering nature of being human, and this one is no different. Though the nature of its message speaks to the universal feelings of love and loss that we can all relate to. With hundreds of songs inspiring and motivating hearts towards Allah, “I’m Not Ready To Let You Go” is undoubtedly going to become a comfort and a favourite of Zain Bhikha fans.
“My father passed away a few months ago, he was the anchor that held us all together, the mountain upon which we all stand and the guiding light that showed us the way, I miss him every day,” said Zain Bhikha.
I’m Not Ready To Let You Go is available as a voice-only version. The official video is available on the ZainBhikhaOfficial YouTube channel and the audio, on all major music streaming platforms.
Other Releases
“Voice In Your Head” is a deep reflection of the unwavering love that parents bestow upon their children. It talks of the all-encompassing nature of a parents’ dedication to their children and the way that bond shapes who we are and who we become.
“The Forgiven” (featuring BoonaaM) delves into a powerful Hadith (prophetic narration) about forgiveness and Allah’s mercy. This song artfully tells the story of a man’s journey towards redemption.
“Salvation” (featuring Ashley Belal Chin) takes listeners on a heartfelt exploration of seeking Allah (SWT). The song emphasizes the closeness of Allah’s presence, reminding us that He is always with us.
All three songs are available in both voice-and-drum and voice-only versions on all major music streaming platforms. You can find the official videos* on the ZainBhikhaOfficial YouTube channel.